Client Story: Rohit and his friends purchased four properties using SMSF in under 7 months.

Rohit and his friends purchased four properties using SMSF in under 7 months.

A group of friends from western Sydney got together and created a mutual plan to combine 10 friends’ super funds to accumulate more growth properties using the Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).
Finally, they googled “Cashflow Properties” and approached Bharat on their first meeting. Their initial research of other buyer’s agents did not go well, so from Day 1, since they met Bharat, they have been convinced that this is the only buyer’s agency that can help them achieve their serious goals within a certain timeframe.

Our Action

As we always do, don’t waste any time other than beginning with action.

We prepared a detailed strategy with a proper action plan to embark on their journey.

Due to the SMSF landing, we need to make sure we find the right property, so it won’t have much trouble to settle.

Within a week of signing the buyer’s agency contract, we found a property in a growing market with tight rentals and a mid-growth cycle. The first property we purchased was only $300,000. It was a house with 3 beds and 1 bath in a very desirable owner-occupier area. A land size of 611 m2 was a bonus. Interestingly, valuation came at $360,000 within one month.

That boosted our client’s confidence.


Soon after settling on our first investment property, we sourced three more investments, one after another.

The second investment was purchased for $322,000 on 811 m2 of land in a blue-chip location. It is close to the CBD and shops in the main regional hub. It has 2 beds, 1 bath upstairs, and 1 sleeper downstairs. Soon after the settlement, it was rented for $450 a week.

The third investment was $600,000 in the heart of Adelaide. A similar property was sold for $660,000 during the settlement period, so the growth is already there. It has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath on 575 m2 of land.

After purchasing three properties, we are just settling on a fourth property. The purchase price is $485,000. A two-story house is in immaculate condition due to recent refurbishment on a large parcel of 817 m2. It has subdivision potential, too.

Together, the group has purchased four investment properties in under seven months.

Three properties were in sunny QLD and one in the growing and vibrant city of Adelaide.

We believe in action instead of high hopes and no actions.


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